Sunday, December 22, 2013

My 2 year old niece

December 23, 2013

These events happened last week ( December 17-22, 2013)

My dad came from the market and bought a small plastic bag of dried fish (tuyo). My niece, who always looks forward to anybody who'll come through the door with take out, would always take whatever it is that you're holding. And so...

My mom (to my niece) : You smell.
My niece (without knowing what she's gotten herself into, smelled the contents of the plastic) : Eeewww...dirty...trixie (meaning: eeww, it's dirty, give it to trixie-our dog)
My mom : do you like to smell it again?
My niece : No


When I got home from work, they were busy taking the box of cake away from my niece. She was holding a spoon and wanted to get some of the cake's icing. 

Me: Hi baby, what are you doing? (I didn't expect an answer when suddenly she answered with a firm...)
Niece: Eating


While watching her favorite youtube cartoon series "Peppa Pig" on her own sofa, she noticed that her feet were a bit dirty. She looked at me and said...

Niece: Eeewww...Feet dirty...hol (meaning: Eeewww, my feet is dirty, put some alcohol ) 

March 9, 2014

On the way home after driving my uncle to the airport, they experienced traffic.

Niece: "Mom, push, push", "Shoo cars", "Move"

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