My Love,
You are God's blessing to us. An answered prayer. For 2 years, we've patiently waited for you. We trusted in God, that He will give you to us at the right time. Thank you for bringing joy, even when you're still inside me. I love you and we're all excited to see you.
Last March 16,2019, we had the Congenital Anomaly Scan. You were very confident in showing us your gender, but darling, you were hiding your face from us. We are indeed the product of a Master Designer. You are so beautiful. Seeing you inside me is already a miracle in itself.
We pray that we would be good parents to you. We'll do our best to shower you with love, just as how the Lord loved us.
When it's time to come out, please don't be shy. Your dad and I will be waiting for you with our arms wide open. We love you. See you soon.
Lots of love,